Monday, July 28, 2008

Predator Alert

As Seattle's most committed activist (and probably the leading education activist in Washington State), it's only natural that should view Randy Dorn as the enemy. After all, he's an entrenched member of a corrupt political establishment.

In particular, Dorn is a former legislator who is now serving as Executive Director of Public School Employees of Washington. He's also one of my opponents in Campaign 2008's Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction campaign.

But there are four other candidates, as well. Granted, I long ago created a website focusing on Terry Bergeson, but she's the incumbent - and has been for twelve years. I've created websites attacking other derelicts I've battled on the political trail, chiefly Nancy "Mariners Whore" Waldman and Brita Butler Wall. But Waldman and Wall, like Bergeson, weren't just candidates. They got elected to office, where they exploited children even more ruthlessly.

Dorn probably won't get elected as Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI). So why would I devote a blog to him?

I created this blog largely to publicize a single article - Friends in high places (Chris Sivula,, May 29, 2008). It relates how union president and former legislator Dorn tried to persuade the legislature to pass a law that would greatly boost pensions for just two people - Dorn and a union lobbyist. (Actually, the lead article was Schools candidate tried to get state to boost his pension, Joseph Turner;, May 22, 2008.)

If that isn't naked greed, what is? Technically, I can't call it a crime, because there's no law against being an asshole. But Dorn's little stunt certainly qualifies as corruption.

The amazing thing is virtually no one is talking about it. Yes, I just cited two articles, but the papers that published them haven't uttered another word about this scandal, that I'm aware of. Nor am I aware of another newspaper, radio station that has so much as mentioned it. The incumbent, Terry Bergeson, isn't talking about it. None of the other candidates seem to think it's an important issue.

Nor is anyone talking about the fact that Dorn - who has joined the anti-WASL club - was part of the team that dumped the WASL on us in the first place. Like all the congresscreeps who recently discovered that the invasion of Iraq might not have been such a good idea after all, Dorn tells us he saw the light after Bergeson led the WASL astray.

The interesting thing is that Dorn wasn't talking about it until he filed as a candidate for SPI. He saw the light alright.

Together, Terry Bergeson (former president of the corrupt Washington Eduation Association) and Randy Dorn symbolize corporate corruption, union corruption, media corruption and the shameless corruption of children that has long been rampant here in Washington State. I find it more disturbing than amusing that Dorn calls himself "Mr. Edutainer" on his business website, Randy Dorn Consulting.

Don't bother looking for anything insightful or inspirational on that site. The man who claims he would rescue us from the WASL has no credible "track record," as far as I can tell. I can find no evidence to suggests that he's a fighter, none to suggest he's anything but a complacent, parasitic insider.

This blog was launched as a desperate attempt to educate the voters as Election Day approaches. It's also designed to humiliate Randy Dorn, along with all those who support him, if only by refusing to denounce his disgusting, self-serving stunts. As I suggested earlier, they include my fellow candidates. If they don't care about protecting children from predators like Randy Dorn, they don't deserve your vote.

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